Are You Living the Life You Were Meant To Live?

I'm not sure about you, but I certainly did not go into business to work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Instead, I dreamed of being in control over my schedule & centering my life around my family while also doing what I love—photography. Of course, during the first few years of business, you've gotta do what you gotta do to make the dream work. But, you've made it! You've built a name and a business to be proud of. Now, it's time to stop working yourself ragged and step up your business game without sacrificing your income (and increase the potential to make more)! Using the same methods I used to jump off the busy train, I'll help you reclaim control over your business to live the life you're meant to live. 

“Value is not determined by those who set the price. Value is determined by those who choose to pay it.”

-simon sinek

register for the Mini Course

Sometimes the biggest hurdle to success is just starting. You don't need any fancy tools to succeed with IPS photography; you just have to start! Take your photography business to the next level in just three days. In this mini-course for only $27, you'll learn how to sell your work without fear. Using what you already have, you'll be able to start in-person sales immediately with this step-by-step strategy and pricing guide.

For Those Ready To
 make more money Today

3-Day IPS Training Course

Join Now

When my business began as a small business photography studio over a decade ago, I was frustrated about the lack of information available for photographers ready to grow a real business. Sure, there was plenty of information out there about how to take phenomenal pictures, but nothing to help you grow and thrive as a small business owner. There were no guides, no mentors, nothing. If you wanted to be successful, you had to put your big girl pants on and figure it out. 

The good news is, I’ve done all of the trial and error so now you don’t have to.

Introducing The IPS Made Easy Photography Community. This free community is a place where photographers can learn how to enjoy a fully booked calendar and where we discuss tactical steps to ditch overwhelm, lose the mom guilt, and build a photography business that is truly fulfilling as much as it is profitable. Join us and become a part of the fun!

Join the Photography Community

Get The Template

The only way to get the income you deserve is by updating your prices to reflect your talents! This fully customizable Canva template is an investment guide for you to share with your clients. The attractive layout is here; just drag and drop in your photos and offerings, then start sharing them with your clients! It's time to confidently charge your worth! 

Photography Product
& Pricing Guide

For Those Who Need Help Looking The Part

As a part of the training course, you'll also get access to monthly mentorship Zoom coaching calls! Connect from anywhere in the world!


To ensure that you make the most of your in-person sales training course, you'll also get all of the bonus material to help you put your new skills to use immediately. Start making money faster!


A training course that is broken down into five easy-to-understand modules that will take you step-by-step through everything you'll need in the IPS sales process. 


Get access to the exclusive, members-only IPS Made Easy photography community. Here, you'll be able to network with other photographers and get professional advice to help your business thrive. 


I'll tell you a secret: You don't have to shoot more photography sessions to make more money. Photographers often fall into the trap of believing that "leveling" up their business means taking more sessions than the year before. Girl, you are burnt out as it is! Your clients need you to be your best self, but more importantly, you and your family need you to be your best self. So, as your photography business coach and personal hype woman, I've created a 5 module, 40+ lesson training course to help you increase your revenue without shooting more sessions.
This all-inclusive photography business course is also loaded with bonus material, including guides, scripts, templates, done-for-you pricing to implement and features a monthly group coaching zoom call.

Everything you need to help you make the most of your IPS photography training is inside this course!

For Those Ready To Level Up Their Business and Lifestyle

In-Person Sales Made Easy Collective

What is Included?

I need this course

Get to Know Me

Since beginning my newborn photography business in 2008, I was bound and determined to make it successful. Like many other entrepreneurs out there, I was determined to succeed by any means necessary. Seven years after starting, I was able to open a full-service photography studio in downtown Brandon, MS. 

That's when I had my lightbulb moment. Yes, I had a great studio, but I was still limited to the amount of money I could make. I was already booked solid. Taking more sessions meant even less time with my family. Even if I continually increased my prices, eventually, I'd hit the ceiling and not be able to go further. I had to try IPS photography. 

You know what?! It was a HUGE success! More successful than I could have dreamed, and in 2019 I felt called to teach other photographers how to build a sustainable photography business. Working yourself to the bone is not sustainable. There is a better way and I'll walk you through every step of the way. 

Hey! I’m Destiny!

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